Joomla Compatibility: JCE 2.3.x is available for Joomla! 1.5.x, Joomla! 2.5.x and Joomla! 3.0.x

Joomla Components Required: JCE Content Editor for Joomla

Browser Requirements: The minimum recommended browser versions are IE8, Safari 5, Chrome 10+, Opera 10+ and FireFox 3.5+.

The latest versions of all browsers is recommended. Earlier browser versions may work as required but performance and stability is not guaranteed.

1. Open the Media Manager Dialog Box

  • Place your cursor in the article where you want the video to be added.

  • Click the "Insert/Edit" file button. The Media Manager dialog box will open.

Note: If the Insert/Edit file button does not appear, contact your webmaster to have the Quick Icon - JCE File Browser Plugin installed.

2. Insert the Video

 If your video is hosted on another site (Vine, Vimeo, YouTube, etc) skip to Step 3.

  • Select the appropriate format.
  • If your video is not hosted on another site, you will need to upload the video to your site.

  • If the video is already uploaded to your media manager, select the folder where the video is stored from the left column at the bottom of the window.

  • Click on the video file name in center column at the bottom of the window

  • If the desired video is not uploaded to the site yet, you will need to upload it. Follow the same steps as you would to upload image through Image Manager or  upload image through Media Manager.
  • Make sure the video file name appears in the URL box at the top of the manager.  Go to Step 4.

3. For Vine, Vimeo, YouTube Videos

  • Select the appropriate format.
  • Paste the URL for the video into the URL box at the top of the manager.
  • Set video properties including dimensions, alignment, and margin (if desired).

4. Click "Insert."