Who is JoomlaPedia for?
Content Creators
Our primary goal is to help non-technical content creators make full use of their Joomla based websites. Our site developers will post and reference information for you via direct links as you ask questions.
However, as the pool of information grows, you might want to browse around to learn more about everything that you are able to do with Joomla.
Joomla Website Developers
We are working to develop a simple, easy to understand documentation resource for content creators on your websites. Feel free to send a link from any of the entries to anyone needing simple step by step instructions on getting things done in Joomla and in its many extensions.
If you happen to create instructions for a process that isn't yet documented, we'd love to add it in. Those that want to contribute can contact us at connect@intergen.org or (888) 932-4381.
The Joomla Community
The strength of free open source software resides in people working together to create a whole that is truly greater than the sum of its parts. Developers are good at finding answers or creating their own. Hopefully, the Joomla community is strengthened by providing a place for our content managers to learn more about the tools they need to do what they do.
Joomlapedia is a project of interGen, inc. and is not affiliated with Joomla! or Open Source Matters, inc. in any way.