The alpha, beta, and release candidate (RC) release cycle is a common approach used by software development teams to ensure the quality and reliability of their products.  It's also how we here at interGen get ready to launch your  new website (or other major project).  

First, we develop the website, and then you look at it and decide if you want to make any changes (Alpha). Then, it goes into testing where we check for any bugs or issues (Beta).  Finally, we make sure the website is ready for the public (Release Candidate).  After the website is launched, we continue to work on it and make sure it's working well.

Alpha Release

The alpha phase is the first stage of the software release cycle, where the software is still in development and not yet ready for public use. During this phase, the software is tested internally by the development team to identify and fix any major bugs or issues.

Your new website project

The alpha release means your new website is ready for your review.  You'll get to take your first look at it, get a chance to "kick the tires," and decide if you have any design or sitemap changes or feature requests you'd like to add to the project at this time. (Anything not included in your initial contract will be quoted for a cost and time estimate.)

Beta Release

Once the development team is satisfied with the stability and functionality of the software, it moves on to the beta phase. During this phase, the software is released to a group of external testers who provide feedback on its performance and any additional bugs they may encounter. This feedback is used to further refine and improve the software before it is ready for public release.

Your new website project

Once you are ready to lock in your feature requests and major changes, your site moves into beta testing.  Now is when you dive in for full testing, checking each page of the site to make sure there are no typos or errors.  Along with our team, you'll test each feature as if you were a user of the site and make note of any bugs or issues that pop up so that our team can address them.   

Release Candidate

The final phase of the release cycle is the release candidate (RC) phase. This is the last step before the software is officially released to the public. In this phase, the software is tested extensively to ensure it is ready for public use. If any critical issues are found during this phase, they are fixed and a new release candidate is created. Once the development team is confident in the quality and stability of the software, it is released to the public.

Your new website project

When we have all the bugs and issues that popped up in the beta release addressed, we'll inform you that your site is ready to go live!  You'll have a 5 day window to do any additional testing or make any minor changes to the site - then, it's time for LAUNCH!   

Keep in mind, any bug, issue, or change that's requested in the release candidate phase will restart the 5 day window.

Then what?

Here at interGen, we like to say, "a website is never done, it's just launched!"  Software developers are constantly adding new features and addressing later bugs that pop up even after the software is available to the public.  Your website project is the same!  

Adding new content, launching new features, performing routine maintenance and troubleshooting issues that pop up are just a few of the ways we partner with you to make sure your website is always helping move your business or organization forward.  

Are you getting ready to launch a new website? Let's chat!