Key Benefits:
- Grow & expand your marketing reach
- Find new prospects,
- Create a community around your brand
- Connect with poeple who have questions about your products or services.
Over the past 13+ years, communication and connectedness have exploded across the globe. Facebook alone has almost 2 billion monthly active users making it the largest social media site in the world. Chances are, you are already using these platforms to share ideas with friends and collegues, but have you realized the promotional potential social media offers for your business?
Social media can be a hub for businesses to understand what clients and potential customers want and expect. It allows businesses to connect with customers like never before from the comfort of a mobile phone, tablet, laptop or a computer. This era of technological communication has changed how we interact with and sell to customers and provides tools and insights for businesses and organizations to most effectively adapt and grow.
Social Media Strategy Development
By establishing a few goals for your social media efforts, you will be able to determine if our strategy is effective. We will benchmark your current metrics and see how our activity affects them. A specific posting plan and schedule will be created and we will track them to see which posts garner the best results. After 3 months, we will evaluate the program, make adjustments and set new goals for the next 3 months.
Strategy Implementation
The most common complaint business and organizations have when using Social Media Marketing is the amount of time it takes to come up with ideas, write and post the messages, respond to fans, and analyze and interpret the data. Managing your social media can be a full time job! We eliminate that headache by managing it for you. Each month, we will provide you with a report of which posts performed best and how many new fans you have gained. You don’t even have to think about it.
We have a variety of social media marketing package levels that can be customized to meet the needs of your business or organization. Each package includes the monitoring your account(s) and alerting you to messages that require your response. Additionally, we will work with you to create text and photo* posts designed to reach your clients and potential customers.
Give us a call (888) WEB-GET1 or (888) 932-4381 or send us an email and together we can sort out if our services are right for you. Our passion can move your business forward. Let's 
*Photos can be ones you provide, we can use open source stock photos for you, or we can arrange to have a professional photographer take custom photos for you.