You want digital marketing that just works... without the frustration!
We know how time consuming and frustrating digital marketing tools can be. You want to spend time on your business, not on your website or social media. interGen clients never have to try to go it alone. We are committed to providing exceptional support for all of our clients . We'll walk with you every step of the way, translating confusing 'web speak' and keeping your needs at the forefront of every interaction.
You can have digital marketing experts on your team with interGen!
- one business day response to support tickets,
- personal follow ups,
- terminology you can understand,
- relationships instead of an assembly line,
- patience and professionalism,
- meeting you where you are in your learning experience, and
- your complete satisfaction.
Our first available team member responds to your requests with the fast service standard we have become known for. You will always get a personal follow up from the team member that is addressing your question to make sure that we have done a great job.

Ready to grow? So are we! Let's Connect
Current interGen clients can create support tickets in any of the following ways:
- Sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. OR
- Submitting a ticket online OR
- Leaving a voicemail on our support line at 1-888-932-4381 x1
Opening a ticket when you have a question, concern, or issue helps make sure that the interGen team members best qualified to answer your questions and concerns the most quickly can do so. It will also allow you to have the history of all of the information that we provide to you to be gathered in one place.
Tips for Making the Most of interGen's Support Ticket System
In addition to the above process for day to day support items, you are welcome to reach out at anytime to interGen team with questions, concerns, or comments about how we can best serve you.
You can also view our constantly evolving online support manual: Joomlapedia.
Written for the layman, this wiki helps non-technical content creators make full use of their Joomla based websites.