Your Website Is Vulnerable

Joomla! updates are essential to make sure your website is safe, up to date with Joomla!’s new features, security fixes, improvements, and bug fixes. When a CMS (Content Management System) changes its structure, the old version is no longer supported. This creates potential problems with security as security patches are discontinued, and older versions of Joomla! are not maintained.  After August 2023, security updates are no longer guaranteed, which may put websites at an increased risk of breaking and/or having other issues.

Your Website Might Break

We keep all your website software up to date as part of the hosting and subscription packages for our clients.  After August 2023, when we run other critical updates to our servers (or to the extensions and components working behind the scenes on your site), websites not yet migrated to Joomla 4 might stop working and require custom development work not included in your subscription to accommodate older code.  

Your Website Performance Might Suffer

Having the latest version of Joomla! and updated extensions and components is important for your site speed.  In each newly released version, there are multiple code improvements that translate into better site performance - which also improves your placement in Search Engine results!

Joomla 4 provides a number of technical improvements, new features and significant performance upgrades.  Below are the benefits that will most matter to our clients.

New Back End Control Panel

For our Gold subscription clients, the redesigned backend administrator control panel speeds up your content creation and content management. In addition, with new article templates, Joomla 4 can help you and your co-workers keep the page design in mind.

Easier Web Accessibility

Web Accessibility means making your website usable to all users regardless of their abilities. Joomla 4 offers a variety of new web accessibility features to remove any barriers so that people with disabilities can use your site  including those with vision problems or people with physical disabilities, color blindness, and hearing impairment. 

In some cases, businesses and organizations may be required by law to make web content accessible to people with disabilities.  Learn more how the Americans with Disabilities Act applies to web accessibility here. 

Improved Site Speed & Security

Even if you don’t use any of the new features of Joomla 4 you will see an improvement in the speed of your website for visitors.  The security upgrades in Joomla 4 are designed to maximize safety, keep hackers away, and provide even more protection for your & your user’s data.

You can read more about all the benefits of Joomla 4 here.